Girl Math, the business edition

Today, I want to talk to you about Girl Math. I am sure you have seen it all over social media and the press. The concept that something that is an investment is cheap (or free) if you use it enough times. Let’s break it down; a £500 pair of boots that you will wear two times a week for 2 years costs you £2.40 per wear. Cheaper than a Starbucks.

But what if that high value piece actually makes you money as well as covers it’s original investment? Buying a Chanel handbag before the announced price increase? Buying the bag at £5,000 when the price is increasing 30%, means that not only did you get the bag, but you actually made £1,500.

Investing in your business makes you money

This logic can be applied to business investments too. Spending money on yourself and your business, especially when things are quiet, will end up not only generating you income but pay for itself. Normally several times over.

Let’s do the (girl) math;

You spend £1,500 on coaching for you and your business. During the sessions you work on strategy, mindset, marketing and images (my 4 Fundamentals). You crack your prices, identify your ideal client, implement a social media plan and organise a photoshoot. The images update your website and flood your socials. Enquiries increase during the 4 months you are being coached, and by the end you have booked 5 new bespoke wedding dress orders.

5 x £2,500 in sales = £12,500

Your initial investment in coaching has been paid off and you have made an additional £11,000!

Or perhaps you spend £1,500 on an editorial photoshoot. After the shoot you have photographs that show your ideal bride exactly what you can create for her. Your investment has been paid off after just ONE wedding dress sale.

But if you use your images over the course of a year, in blog listings, on your website, marketing materials, across Pinterest and Instagram, plus use your behind the scenes videos for TikToks, your investments goes even further. That £1,500 actually helps you create a whole year of sales.

24x £2,500 = £60,000

That would be a return on investment (ROI) of 40, i.e. you get your investment back 40 times over.

How to make more wedding dress sales

Now that is one VERY good math. Whichever way you look at it.

So, if you are looking at your diary and wishing you knew how to get more bookings, or feeling like you have big plans for 2024, now is the time to invest. In yourself and your business.

Click here if you would like to know more about working with me.

Dream Wildly,

Joanna xx


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